MUMBAI: When you have been distributing sports channels for more than 20 years as a TV distribution executive, it gives you a first-hand look at the game of cricket than possible otherwise. And that’s what’s prompted Sony Pictures Networks Distribution India vice-president of sales Vikram Vijay Chandan to pen a book about the sport and its applicability to life.
Called Love Life and Cricket, the book has made its debut on Amazon. The cricket-mad Vikram has been podcasting about cricket for a while now and draws parallels between life and the game in every situation. He penned the book over four years, while holding his day job at Sony, meeting cable operators and executives at DTH platform doing deals to carry the Sony sports channels.
“This book is a culmination of my journey, experiences and learnings around the game I love,” said he on linkedin. “Cricket, often referred to as a religion in India, is more than just a game. It's a reflection of life itself. Just as cricket has its ups and downs, life too has its share of triumphs and tribulations. Love, in its purest form, is the glue that holds relationships together. Just as a batsman and bowler engage in a beautiful dance, love is the harmony that exists between two people.In cricket, every ball is a new opportunity, just like every day in life. We must seize each moment, just as a fielder seizes a catch, and make the most of it.
As we navigate the ups and downs of life, cricket reminds us of the importance of perseverance, teamwork, and sportsmanship. And just as love conquers all, cricket too has the power to unite people across cultures and borders.So, let's cherish the love, live life to the fullest, and enjoy the game of cricket – for in its simplicity lies a profound beauty that reflects the very essence of human existence."
Based in Gurugram, Vikram has also been expressing his thoughts and views about action on the ground through his Instagram handle and his opinions have got more than 20 million views.
Love Life and Cricket has been published by Beeja House which is run by the mentor of writers Geetika Saigal.
You can get onto Amazon and buy your copy by clicking on the link: Love Life and Cricket