Media Futures looks to add value to ETC's music channel

Submitted by ITV Production on May 09, 2002

Media Futures, the media consulting wing of Lintas India, has been put in charge of formulating a strategy for ETC Music.
The two year contract, says National Business Manager, Media Futures, Vijay Pherwani, will have a two pronged goal - increase channel consumption and position the channel as attractive to the advertising community. At the moment, research from both the consumer and media perspective is being conducted across major cities in the country, he says.

Results of the research study are expected to roll in a couple of weeks and will be used by Media Futures to identify areas in which they will be able to add value to the channel. From the research, Media Futures also expects to have an idea as to how the channel is to be positioned to be different from rivals like B4U Music and MTV.

Media reports quote ETC Networks? CEO Pradeep Dixit as saying that this was part of the channel?s consolidation and expansion process.