Hallmark expands distribution in Asia with Filippino deal


Hallmark expands distribution in Asia with Filippino deal


Hallmark Entertainment Network has enhanced its distribution in Asia by doing a deal with Home Cable, a major cable operator in Metro Manila and in some provincial cities, in one of its key markets, the Philippines. Hallmark claims a penetration of 10.4 million subscribers (as of August 2000) in the Asia Pacific region.

Over the past two months the network has struck deals with Sri Lanka's Grant Cable (Pvt), Saarc Media Services Ltd. in Bangladesh, and Macau Cable TV, states a Hallmark press release claims.

Says Terence Yau, Vice-President and Managing Director of Hallmark Entertainment Network: "This is a significant new partnership for us. Home Cable is one of the market leaders within the Philippines cable industry, both in terms of their subscriber numbers and their pedigree within the pay TV sector.

The Hallmark managment recently decided to dissolve the Kermit channel into Hallmark as a kid's programming block in its Asia service, excepting India where it is discussing a joint venture with the Modi Entertainment Network.

Recently, it introduced a brand new signature - "Celebrate Life" - which is one of several key components behind the rebranding of Hallmark that includes new on-air graphics. Another is the repackaging of core programming into seven new primetime branded blocks for all members of the family to enjoy together.