2025: Will it be the year of cloud repatriation?

2025: Will it be the year of cloud repatriation?

Actively adopt the hybrid approach with a mix of cloud plusses and on-prem benefits: Rajat Nigam

Cloud vs on-prem storage

MUMBAI: After less than two decades of buzz around the cloud and the one way transitions, the return journey has commenced !!

One can debate and contest this statement but cloud repatriation is surely going to be the consideration in 2025 extending the era of technological reforms!

Analysing the cloud-environment based designs, consistently catalysed by consultants and evangelists of the board room, I had always been an edge professional wondering and unconvinced towards fitment of it for all solutions.

Having said that, I do believe that the proposition, ever since public cloud came into our lives, was the driver for many innovations and initiatives no doubt (SaasS, PaaS, IaaS etc are terms given birth by cloud tech).

However, after dominating the infrastructure design principles over a period,  the public cloud has found as its competition, the traditional on-premise environment that can safely be called private cloud that it always was.

My simple analysis goes onto conclude that pubic cloud certainly is the solve for a business with dynamic workload and for big data compute environment; additionally, it helps business for faster go to market (GTM)  goal besides not worrying about managing tech talent.

However, the much significant parameter of costs does get a beating if we compare that with on prem/private cloud operations. The pronounced plus of public cloud being ‘pay per use’ promise is limited just for compute services but bigger overheads, 

particularly ingress and  egress costs, more relevant for media industry, simply make an on-prem solution the big winner.

This aspect practically locks the customer to a specific cloud too unfairly. On this the on-prem models come out with edge (pun intended :-)) over public cloud models.

The other aspects of data security and  control and finiteness of costs and capacity besides latency/performance issues, add to the relative merit points in favour of the on prem cloud model.

So, as we step into yet another exciting year, technocrats and businesses would actively adopt the hybrid approach with a mix of cloud plusses and  on-prem benefits,  working with the balance of scalability and flexibility at cloud while keeping critical and  heavy data (video media industry) and bespoke applications in their own infrastructure.

This said, cloud repatriation is a phenomenon that is indeed live and would weigh in more and more in the days to come …  unless the big public cloud providers revisit their commercial model with yet another innovation.

Wishing all a tech-citing and glorious year 2025 !!

(The article has been reprinted from Rajat Nigam’s post on Linkedin after informing him. He is the  transition CTO of JioStar. The views expressed here are entirely his own and have nothing to do with his organisation – JioStar= where he works as a professional. Also indiantelevision.com need not subscribe to these views )