Twitter to spotlight the best cricket campaigns with League of Brands


Twitter to spotlight the best cricket campaigns with League of Brands

League of Brands will recognise six star campaigns by brands


KOLKATA: With the commencement of the Indian Premier League (IPL 2021), microblogging site Twitter is kick-starting League of Brands on 9 April. It will highlight outstanding cricket campaigns by brands on the service throughout the upcoming season. Powered by Twitter data, League of Brands will recognise six star campaigns by brands as they take to Twitter to keep their audiences engaged in the midst of the cricket-fueled adrenaline.

League of Brands, utilising Twitter’s Branded Notifications feature, will also let people opt-in for alerts on the latest cricket ads across the season, simply by liking the tweet from @TwitterMktgIN.

Every cricket season, Twitter turns into a virtual playground with fans starting and joining conversations around their favourite match moments. With the service’s ability to amplify moments in real-time and create ripples across timelines, brands across the spectrum take to the service, utilising the package of its conversational nature, a range of customisable ad-offerings, as well as, its receptive audience to deliver some noteworthy engagement campaigns.

For League of Brands, Twitter Next - the brand strategy team at Twitter, and Twitter marketing India (@TwitterMktgIN) will screen through campaigns and place the spotlight on the brands that stand out of the crowd. Brands and campaigns will be recognised across six categories -

●       The All-Star: The brand to drive the highest volume of conversations on Twitter throughout the season.

●       The Sixer: The brand to garner the most Retweets on a single campaign Tweet from the brand’s handle.

●       The Doosra: The brand without a national TV spot to drive the largest overall conversation.

●       The Most Creative Play: The brand that makes the best use of Twitter to break through the clutter, beyond promoted Tweets and video.

●       The Fan Favourite: The brand to drive strongest positive sentiment for a campaign.

●       The (re)Play of the Game: The brand with the most engagements on a single video Tweet from the brand’s handle. 

This time the most-talked about brands on the service would be the real game-winners.