TAM adex data shows Samsung was top telecom advertiser


TAM adex data shows Samsung was top telecom advertiser

Samsung stood third in the TV category.

TAM adex

MUMBAI: Recently released TAM Media Research AdEx data reveals that Samsung India Electronics was the top advertiser in the telecom products category on print, radio, and digital platforms for the period between January 2018 and September 2018. The brand stood third in the TV section, preceded by Xiaomi Technology India and Vivo Mobile India. Jio Phone was the top new brand on TV and radio.

Cellular phones - smartphones category dominated telecom products with more than 80 per cent share in all media.

The report also revealed that ad volumes for telecom products rose by 8 per cent on radio while declined significantly by 19 per cent and 53 per cent on television and print, respectively as compared to ad volumes in the same period of 2017.

Television remained the top choice of telecom products advertisers to place ads on as the medium had 62 per cent of the total insertions followed by radio (36 per cent share). The media received highest ad insertions during Feb '18. Digital had the highest monthly ad insertions in Aug '18.

The report also revealed that the telecom products providers preferred to place their ads more during feature films (30 per cent insertions), followed by news bulletin (14 per cent) and film songs (10 per cent).

In terms of content, sales promotions dominated 84 per cent share of ad space with discount promotions leading the roost and claiming 84 per cent share of sector ad space followed by multiple promotion (15 per cent).