TAM report: Kia Seltos entered the top 10 list of brands in Jul-Sept’23


TAM report: Kia Seltos entered the top 10 list of brands in Jul-Sept’23

Print advertising experienced a six per cent increase in ad space from Jan-Mar’23 to Apr-Jun’23.


Mumbai: TAM AdEx India has released a quarterly advertising report on print for Jul-Sept’23.

Print advertising experienced a six per cent increase in ad space from Jan-Mar’23 to Apr-Jun’23. However, from Jul-Sept’23, there was a two per cent decline in ad space compared to Jan-Mar’23. Additionally, during Jul-Sept’23, there was an 11 per cent reduction in ad space compared to the same period in 2022 for print advertising.

The services sector claimed the top spot, capturing a 16 per cent share of ad space in Jul-Sept’23, surpassing its position in Apr-Jun’23. Computers emerged as the sole newcomer in the top 10 sectors, securing a two per cent share of ad space in Jul-Sept’23 compared to the previous quarter. Together, the top 10 sectors added 82 per cent share of ad space in Jul-Sept’23.

During Jul-Sept’23, coaching/competitive exam centre descended to ninth position with a three per cent share of ad space compared to its first position in Apr-Jun’23. Whereas, in Jul-Sept’23, public issues ascended to fourth position with five per cent share of ad space compared to its tenth position in Apr-Jun’23. Additionally, the top 10 categories collectively added 44 per cent share of ad space in Jul-Sept’23.

Maruti Suzuki India was the leading advertiser during Jan-Mar’23 and Apr-Jun’23. During Jul-Sept’23, the top 10 advertisers together covered 13 per cent share of ad space. SBS Biotech ascended to first position in Jul-Sept’23 compared to its second position in Apr-Jun’23. 38k plus exclusive advertisers were present in Jul-Sept’23 compared to Apr-Jun’23.

Kia Seltos entered the top 10 list of brands in Jul-Sept’23 and secured first position compared to its 78th position in Apr-Jun’23. 47k+ Exclusive Brands were present during Jul-Sept’23 compared to Apr-Jun’23. Patanjali Divya OTC Products was an exclusive brand in Jul-Sept’23 compared to Apr-Jun’23. Also, the top 10 brands covered six per cent share of ad space in Jul-Sept’23.

Public issues among categories witnessed highest increase in ad seconds with twofold growth followed by cars with 29 per cent growth during Jul-Sept’23 compared to Apr-Jun’23. In terms of growth percentage, the corporate-IT category witnessed the highest growth percentage among the top 10 i.e. four times in Jul-Sept’23.

Sales promotion advertising covered 29 per cent share of ad space in Print during Jul-Sept’23. Among sales promotions, multiple promotion secured first position with 52 per cent share of ad space followed by discount

promotion with 34 per cent share. The top two promotions covered 86 per cent share of ad space during Jul-Sept’23.