Weekend Unwind with: Ferns N Petals founder & MD Vikaas Gutgutia


Weekend Unwind with: Ferns N Petals founder & MD Vikaas Gutgutia

The latest in the series of the informal chat with industry exec in our weekend-special.

MD Vikaas Gutgutia.

Mumbai: With another weekend upon us, it is time to unwind with the latest Q&A edition of Indiantelevision.com’s Weekend Unwind—a series of informal chats that peek into the minds of business executives through a fun lens in an attempt to get to know the person behind the title a little better.

In this week’s session, we have Ferns N Petals founder & MD Vikaas Gutgutia.

Establishing Ferns N Petals in 1994, Gutgutia, a maverick entrepreneur, started his journey with the purpose of providing world-class facilities to Indian society. For Gutgutia, gifting was an intimate way of expressing one’s love and appreciation to a dear one and he wanted to transform this experience from a beautiful dream to an ingenious reality. Despite what most might think, a university degree doesn’t always equate to success, with just a simple B.Com degree in hand and putting his blood and sweat into the business for years, he established a name that has become a household phenomenon and the largest flower and gifting brand in India.

With his persistent efforts and desire to create an exceptional brand, he brought a new edge to the flower gifting culture in the country, and now this flower has budded into different directions with 400+ stores across India and 11 verticals under one umbrella. Some of these are FNP Retail and Franchising, FNP E-commerce - India | UAE | Singapore, FNP Cakes ‘N’ More, FNP Weddings & Events, FNP Gardens, Floral Touch – UAE, FNP Flagship Store, Sipping Thoughts, Wedding Design Hub, FNP Media, FNP Hotels, Last Journey and BabyBless. Due to his many achievements, he was nominated as Entrepreneur of the Year (2020) by Ernst & Young.

Gutgutia has found success because of his unconventional and out-of-the-box ideology. He had set out with a dream to transform the world of gifting and flowers and has managed to achieve just that. Now, FNP has diversified into various other fields. Gutgutia has time and again proved that no dream is too big for a person who has what it takes. Other than the quest to be the best in the industry, he has deep interest in penning down poems based on his experiences of life.

So, without further ado, here it goes…

Your mantra for Life

Life is a journey, navigating heart, mind, and soul, embracing all. Finding meaning and fulfillment in what we love is vital. Self-love is very essential, until you love yourself, you can spread love and happiness to the world.  

A Book you are currently reading?

I am mostly into motivational reading, presently I am reading Bhagavad Gita.

Your Fitness mantra, especially during the pandemic?

Amidst the pandemic, many people struggled with depression, staying at home, and unhealthy habits like overeating and excessive drinking. However, my approach was different. I utilized the time for self-healing, strengthening my mind, and mastering control over my desires. This led me to a happier space, where I worked on not letting external factors affect me. I prioritized mental well-being, and in terms of fitness, I have been dedicated to regular home workouts and mindful eating to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Your comfort food?

Ghar Ka Khana (Home Food)

When the chips are down a quote/ philosophy that keeps you going?

I believe adversity serves as a powerful teacher, presenting valuable opportunities for growth and learning. Embracing these challenges allows us to glean important lessons and emerge stronger.

Your guilty pleasure?

In the evenings, I find that having two drinks like Hoegaarden or Grey Goose, usually beer or vodka, helps me unwind and relax for about 45 minutes.

When was the last time you tried something new?

In April 2023, I challenged myself to work continuously for two days without sleep, proving that even at 53 years old, I can still achieve such feats.

A Life lesson you learnt the hard way?

Learning is consistent. It never stops. Self-improvement has been my path to continuous growth and improvement.

I've also realized the futility of anger, as it only punishes oneself for others' mistakes. Embracing this knowledge has proven beneficial. In life, I've also found that "less is more" – it's not about how much you speak but what you say, and it's not about how much you eat but what you eat.

What gets you excited about life?

What excites me about life is the thrill of working against the odds and achieving success, like swimming against the tide and emerging victorious.

What's on top of your bucket list?

Poverty Tourism. I have a strong desire to witness the life of someone who possesses nothing, living in a South African village or Brazil. While many seek glamor, my interest lies in experiencing the raw humanity in how they peacefully live their lives with nothing. It's a profound exploration of the other side of life that intrigues me the most.

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

It would be to avoid having blind trust in people. I've learned the hard way that blindly trusting can lead to losing valuable things and people taking advantage of you. Instead, I would encourage my younger self to be more rational, calculative, sensible, and choosy in decisions to make wiser choices and not blindly trust everybody.

One thing you would most like to change about the world?

The world faces major financial disparity, with extreme wealth on one end and people struggling to meet basic needs on the other. My wish is for a more balanced world, where everyone has access to at least the essential necessities for survival.

An activity that keeps you motivated / charged during tough times?

Waking 4 am in the morning everyday and working out

What lifts your spirits when life gets you down?

When life gets me down, I find solace in introspection. It allows me to understand the highs and lows of my emotions, and the process of self-checking rejuvenates me for the next journey ahead. Knowing what makes me happy and addressing what's wrong helps lift my spirits and find my way back to a positive state of mind.

Your go-to stress buster?

Window Shopping