IAA and AFAA announce 14 Olive Crown Awards


IAA and AFAA announce 14 Olive Crown Awards

Last date for entries is 31 January.


Mumbai: The India Chapter of the International Advertising Association (IAA) along with the Asian Federation of Advertising Associations (AFAA) announced the 14 edition of the widely acclaimed Olive Crown Awards.

IAA president Avinash Pandey Says, "These awards have grown from strength to strength. They salute those professionals in our industry who not just nurture the brands they advertise but also nurture Brand Earth."

AFAA chairman Srinivasan Swamy adds, "Launched initially at the GoaFest in April 2011, these awards have always signified intra-industry cooperation and collaboration. I am glad the response to these awards has been steadily growing from AFAA member countries across Asia".

Olive Crown Awards Committee chairman Janak Sarda says "For such meaningful work, there is no entry fee. The awards will be judged by an elite creative jury and presented in Mumbai in the first half of April. The wonderful creatives for the Call for Entries campaign have been made by Madison Loop senior creative director Vallabh Yeolkar.

Entries can be sent to: https://ocawards.awardor.com

Last date for entries is 31 January.