Mel Gibson, Antonio Banderas join 'Expendables 3'


Mel Gibson, Antonio Banderas join 'Expendables 3'

MUMBAI: News is that Mel Gibson and Antonio Banderas have joined The Expendables 3 ensemble, the Millennium Entertainment pic that already picked up Harrison Ford to add to the cast that has begun to resemble the Old Timers Day game held annually at Yankee Stadium.

Recently Bruce Willis had a fallout with the franchise on grounds of demanding more remuneration for the assignment. Stallone took to Twitter to respond with Willis is lazy and greedy and will no longer be a part of the third installment.

Sylvester Stallone continues to bring in aging action muscle for the franchise he hatched back in 2010. The only action stars left to be added by Stallone and Millennium are Jeff Speakman and Brian Bosworth. They seem to be about the only action heroes who haven't joined the beefcake brigade, just yet?