Disney plans sequel to Oz the Great and Powerful


Disney plans sequel to Oz the Great and Powerful


MUMBAI: Planning for sequels has slowly become the norm in Hollywood.
Even before the release of the fantasy-adventure Oz the Great and Powerful, the makers have already planned a sequel. The film opens today in theatres worldwide.

Expecting a box-office bonanza this weekend, Disney has taken this measure. In this connection the makers have hired Mitchell Kapner to write a script for the follow-up that would continue the adventures of Oz played by James Franco.
It may be remembered that Kapner came up with the concept and ideas for the origin story of Oz that is based on the classic L Frank Baum books. He pitched the idea to producer Joe Roth who set it up at Disney.

The film stars Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz and Michelle Williams.

Before Oz, Kapner wrote The Whole Nine Yards and its sequel, The Whole Ten Yards, and also worked on the action movie Romeo Must Die.

Planning for sequels has slowly become the norm in Hollywood.