BBC's Learning English service launches on Chinese portal

BBC's Learning English service launches on Chinese portal

MUMBAI: UK pubcaster The BBC is set to expand its online audiences in China, thanks to a partnership agreement with the official portal of Xinjiang Province in Northwest China.

Visitors to can access the BBC Learning English content specially tailored for Chinese-speakers by visiting the BBC Learning English Channel that is available, live on the portal.


BBC Learning English teaches various points of the English language through human interest stories and topics including UK lifestyle and culture.

Visitors to can learn to read, write and speak English through the BBC‘s four popular Learning English features: ‘take away English, quizzes, real English and wordmaster.

BBC World Service business development manager for China and North Asia Raymond Li said, "We are delighted to be able to provide visitors to with our English learning content.

"This is a great addition to successful partnerships we have developed with Chinese portals, and we welcome new audiences to the BBC Learning English Channel." editor-in-chief Jianhua Zhu said, "The BBC is one of the most influential media organisations in the world, and the BBC English Learning Channel has built up the bridge for the Chinese people to learn authentic English.

"The collaboration between and BBC Learning English will become a milestone in the online English learning in Xinjiang region."

BBC Learning English offers English language teaching programmes and online content for global radio and online audiences.

English learning materials are available online at and for Chinese speakers, on