DD institutes monthly awards for inhouse shows

DD institutes monthly awards for inhouse shows


MUMBAI: It's an incentive that could well help upgrade the quality of programmes on Doordarshan, not to mention encourage talent that usually goes unnoticed in the labyrinth of bureaucracy.
Prasar Bharati has recently taken a decision to introduce a Monthly Award Scheme for Best Programme and Best Graphic Work of the month from September this year. The main purpose of the scheme, according to DD officials, is to encourage in house productions of thematic, aesthetic and technical excellence and promote professionalism and to provide incentive to competent programmers in Doordarshan kendras scattered all over the country. 

The scheme has been made mandatory for all Doordarshan Kendras/ Programme Generation Facilities(PGFs) for participation. Five entries selected by the jury for each category at the zonal level will be forwarded to the Prasar Bharati board for consideration for the Best Monthly National Award. Out of these five programmes, one in each category will be selected for National Level Monthly award. At the zonal level, the prize money for the Best Programme Best Graphic Works is Rs 15,000 and Rs 10,000, while at the all India level it is Rs 20,000 and Rs 10,000. The prize distribution for the Best Programme will be shared by the producer and the team members in 1 40:60 ratio.

The first awards distribution ceremony will be held on 18 November in New Delhi.