B4U TV celebrates successful first season of The Meera Gandhi Show | 1 Indian Television Dot Com

B4U TV celebrates successful first season of The Meera Gandhi Show


B4U TV celebrates successful first season of The Meera Gandhi Show


MUMBAI: B4U, one of the world’s leading Bollywood channels with viewership in over 100 countries, held the wrap party for the first season of The Meera Gandhi Show, an inspirational television program that encourages a life full of positivity, spiritual understanding and inner peace. The event, held at the Disney Screening Room, was attended by many of New York City’s notables including Caroline Leiberman, Jaswant Lalwani, Barbara Ellsworth Robbinson, Atif Toor, Aamer Khandwala, Yakub and Shilpa Mathew and Tarik Currimbhoy, amongst others.

Meera Gandhi is an award-winning influencer, humanitarian, philanthropist and founder of The Giving Back Foundation. Her eponymous show’s first season takes viewers on an enlightening journey through such episodes as Revitalization, Freedom, Happiness, Accomplishments, Celebration, Compassion, Creativity and Karma and Destiny. Guests on the show include such doyens as DJ Donna D’Cruz, dancer Jules Bakshi, Academy award winning violinist Tim Fain, Buddhist monk Aria Das, PR guru Rob Goldstone and artists Juan Beral, singer Lara Anderson and rising star Madame Gandhi (who coincidentally is Meera’s daughter).

Kevin Rego, North American Head for B4U, presented the idea for the show after witnessing Meera’s own spiritual journey. Her new lifestyle choices like meditation twice a day, a less hectic travel schedule and a slower, stress free pace was a message that needed to be shared and hence, The Meera Gandhi Show was born. Now, Meera shares her learnings through her mentors, inspiring individuals, music, guided meditation, experiences and recommended reading lists. The takeaway of the show is to discover tools to de-stress and live a more joyful, positive life.

The complete 13-episode first season of The Meera Gandhi Show has aired on B4U TV Network and is available for live streaming at TheMeeraGandhiShow.com, Facebook and VIMEO.