Rediffusion throws open consumer research wing Red Lab | 1 Indian Television Dot Com

Rediffusion throws open consumer research wing Red Lab


Rediffusion throws open consumer research wing Red Lab

Will specialise in consumer understanding, consumer behaviour and trend spotting.


MUMBAI: Rediffusion Brand Solutions has launched its specialised consumer research and analysis wing called Rediffusion Consumer Lab (Red Lab).

This unit will specialise in consumer understanding, consumer behaviour and trend spotting to come up with actionable business intelligence which can then lead to brand solutions. Red Lab will be reporting to Rediffusion joint president Navonil Chatterjee.

Rediffusion Group chairman Diwan Arun Nanda said, “I have always believed in the power of brands, and brand building is all about looking beyond the short term and focussing on the long term. It involves understanding consumer behaviour and sometimes, even changing consumer habits. That’s possible only through actionable, data-backed intelligence and not lose assumptions and vague gut feelings. And Red Lab will be that voice of wise counsel for our client partners and prospects.”

Rediffusion Brand Solutions managing director Sandeep Goyal added, “This was a clear priority area so far as I was concerned. In the olden days, sailors looked at stars and constellations to navigate their way around in the high seas. To tide over the choppy waters of a hypercompetitive market, brands too need guiding stars and accurate category, market and consumer information can be those guide-marks for brands. Besides right from my Airtel and Mogae days, I have been a strong advocate of data-based marketing and this is a step in that direction from Rediffusion.”

Chatterjee said, “Think of it as a first step towards brand consultancy. We already had some fantastic brand workshopping and creative ideation tools and techniques. Coupled with that, this consumer intelligence gathering wing will help us further in spotting trends and insight mining, and we sincerely hope that we end up mining gold here.”