Wonder Women of Wunderman Thompson

Wonder Women of Wunderman Thompson

Women in the C Suite talk about their journey and more.

Mumbai: Today, women are breaking the glass ceiling in every sector. Beyond all this, there still exists a patriarchal mindset. Not many women are in the C-suite taking important decisions. And, of course, there still exists pay parity. 

This Women’s Day, we, at Indiantelevision.com, are acknowledging some women leaders of the media, marketing, and advertising fraternity and also from other professions, who have given more than expected.

Raji Ramaswamy, CEO Contract Advertising, a Wunderman Thompson group company

Her Journey:

My journey has been a series of discoveries both professional and personal. From discovering adventure sports and participating in a six month long  Canada World Youth Exchange programme in my teens, to joining one of the best communication agency in the world, understanding the power of communication, working with some insightful minds and visionary clients, building great brands both global and local, and enjoying the leadership role, creating impact and mentoring teams, dealing with the uncertainties of the last few years to the exciting prospect of building brands and businesses in 2023, it has been an exciting and rewarding journey. 

Her Inspiration & Inspiring the team

My inspiration has always come from people who have risen against odds to achieve difficult things and also people who have tried to make the world a better place through their imagination, ideas, events and efforts. I am inspired by the power of technology to make people’s lives easier.

I have encouraged the teams to think big, not get limited by the status quo, be fearless, learn to adapt to change, focus on excellence and be future ready.

Empowerment of Women

Women need to believe in themselves, recognise their inherent strengths and feel empowered to go after their dreams. They need to overcome their doubts, have the confidence to talk about their own achievements,  and not let anything or anyone hold them back from what they can be. They should choose to work in an environment that recognises, rewards and celebrates their talent.

Naila Patel, National Planning Director, Mirum India:

Her Journey 

It’s been more than two decades since the world of advertising embraced me in its fold, and I’m enjoying my journey of discovery. From traditional to digital advertising. From junior copywriter to NCD, from a shy unsure girl to a woman who recognises her contribution that earned her a seat in the boardroom. It’s been a phenomenal journey. I took a 6-year maternity break and then came back to advertising, I had some doors closed on my face. But digital was hiring and I got a chance to build a creative team for Communicate2, now Isobar. That was 15 years ago and the rest is history. Having spent more than a decade at Mirum (A WPP company) I have built the creative team from four people to 45 people. Recognition, awards and success come second to the feeling of seeing a client truly excited about an idea you presented

Her Inspiration & Inspiring the team

“Leaders can let you fail and yet not let you be a failure.” ―Stanley McChrystal

My mentors have ensured that they let me learn from my failures, and I try to do the same with my team. Digital advertising is such a dynamic universe that its crucial to make mistakes, to trip and fall so that you can stand tall 

Empowerment of Women

I come from a very conservative family but I have had some truly empowered women around me. I believe that empowered families and empowered institutions make empowered people. Women empowerment has nothing to do with women alone. In my family and in my team, I ensure intelligence, capability and knowledge is respected. Gender is never an advantage or a disadvantage. Mirum has one of the healthiest gender ratios in the WPP world and we have home grown fantastic women leaders. 

Shweta Khosla, SVP & Executive Planning Director, Wunderman Thompson India

Her Journey 

From parents who have no desire except to see you fly to a professional atmosphere teeming with powerful women who inspire and help you succeed. I used to think that I am amongst a lucky, extremely privileged few; almost guilty about it. But as a planner, I am happy to tell you that I am hearing more and more stories emerging from the corners and depths of India of women who are being similarly powered to take themselves and their world forward. Yes, we have a long way to go. For instance, India tops the world in producing female graduates in STEM but ranks 19th in employing them. But that will change; it’s on the path of correction. The larger problem lies elsewhere.

Her Inspiration & Inspiring the team  

Inspiration is not an action but an Environment. Agencies are full of interesting people who can delight you with things you didn’t know. Expose you to your next favourite passion/book/piece of music. And then there is the work; we are appreciative of brave thinking; no matter what level, department, gender it comes from. We are about building; the work and each other. When you work in an environment like that; the inspiration flow can’t help but be generous.  

Empowerment of Women

The repression of women is insidious. More dangerous, especially since it is being perpetrated by women themselves. The stories may differ across pop strata, but these are instances that we are conditioned to ignore. Here are three stories that I have witnessed in the last month; A maid recently had a fourth girl child; no one coerced her. Someone was told that they should have been tolerant of mild violence because the anger was justified. Someone else is being questioned for not being a good daughter-in-law, an unmeetable standard. These are financially independent women whose spirit is being injured by other women. Maybe we should change this day’s name to women-for-women day. Then maybe we will be inspired to look at the ways in which we could stop cutting each other – and start building each other. Maybe then there will be the change that we need to see.

Rajeshwari Rao, Senior Vice President and Executive Creative Director, Wunderman Thompson India

Her Journey

The journey so far has been absolutely interesting to say the least. Fresh out of college with a degree in Commercial Art, I entered the world of advertising with stars in my eyes. I learnt art in college and advertising on the job. One of the things that struck me as a rookie was the warped ratio of male professionals to females in the industry. I remember asking myself, were men more creative than women? Was it the long gruelling hours? The never-ending timelines, the endless cups of coffee, the ordering food at odd hours and then again at even odder hours? The nights one has to spend in the office fighting over headlines and deadlines and then promptly helping each other to fix those lines only to fight over the typeface soon after… the list goes on. Turns out, it was a mix of one or more of these things. Women are expected to put in the work and fight as equals to stay in the game but none of it can come at the cost of slipping at your responsibilities at home. It’s tough. Some of us have been more fortunate than others because we had the backing of our families. 

Women are built to be more sensitive, sympathetic and empathetic and there should ideally be more of us in here for those exact same reasons. Things changed over the years, as a whole bunch of us slowly but surely found our way into advertising agencies, and stayed for the love of it. But not without its share of misogyny, sexism, frustration, stress and exhaustion. Phew! And as unforgiving as it can be on some days, one can’t deny the absolute joy you feel when a campaign you’ve created sees the light of day. The magic it contains makes you forget the pain, wake up the next morning and walk into the office with a spring in your step to get cracking on the next one. Much like how a mother forgets the pain of labour when the child arrives, I’m told, by some of my colleagues who happen to be wives and mothers. Two decades later, the spring in my step has a faint creaking sound to it but I can still give a rabbit a run for its money six ways from Sunday.

Her Inspiration & Inspiring the team

Art imitates life and vice versa. One can pick any example of a good piece of art, music, or literature and most definitely find its roots in life. I’ve also been fortunate enough to have crossed paths with some immensely talented people. They’ve inspired me. I’ve learnt from most of these individuals that a sure shot way to inspire people is by quite literally ‘practising what you preach’ as cliche as it sounds. It’s much like the concept of how the universe consists of energy and we feed off it. You put out the energy, the effort, the work and it’ll boomerang back to you. It’s that easy, that difficult and that addictive.

Empowerment of Women

I’d like to start with a quote by the legendary Maya Angelou. ‘I’m a feminist. I’ve been a female for a long time now. It’d be stupid not to be on my own side.’ So, I am a feminist. Not the male-bashing one though. I don’t think all men are terrible. That isn’t feminism. I want equality beyond gender. And like I’ve mentioned before I’ve experienced my share of misogyny and sexism. But I stood up to it. Every. Single. Time. It hasn’t been easy for sure. I’ve also had the joy of having male bosses and colleagues who’ve been my cheerleaders. So there’s that as well. 

The world isn’t fair. And I reckon it won’t be for years to come. The trick is to not let it corrode you. Difficult. Very. Stand up to the ones that are against you. Appreciate the ones cheering for you. Things will change. One day at a time, one woman at a time. Empowerment will come from us. For each other, with each other. I’d also like to end with a gem again from Maya Angelou. 'I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being.’