Asia Pacific now has 446 mn multichannel TV homes

Asia Pacific now has 446 mn multichannel TV homes

MUMBAI: The Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia (Casbaa) has released its annual estimate of Asia Pacific Multichannel TV homes, reinforcing the overall healthy state of the market.

Casbaa CEO Simon Twiston Davies said, "Now with 446 million multichannel homes and a 57 per cent penetration of all TV homes, the Asia Pacific remains a global engine room for the multichannel TV sector. Even as the rest of the world worries about overall economic indicators, the Asia pay-TV market remains in robust health".

What the data also says:

  • Multichannel TV homes in the Asia Pacific grew by 39m in the last 12 months
  • 53 per cent of global multichannel homes are found in Asia
  • 70 per cent of viewers in the Asia Pacific watch multichannel TV, even as terrestrial TV viewership continues to shrink
  • Affluent Asian multichannel TV audiences are early adopters and comfortable with pay-TV advertising
  • TV in general remains the dominant advertising medium accounting for 61 per cent of global ad spend

The TV ad spend in India, China, Indonesia and Hong Kong is positioned to fulfill aggressive growth predictions made for 2012 while new markets such as Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Cambodia are becoming central to the positive growth story.

Meanwhile, technology is relentlessly changing the way people view HD, 3D, VoD and OTT platforms - and the third screen is "Everywhere" with global sales of tablets expected to pass 127 million in 2012, up from 82 million units in 2011.

"The opportunity to significantly enhance viewer interaction with TV programming through companion screens is re-energising viewer engagement," added Twiston Davies.