An evening to remember with the "Never say Never" book launch at Crossword Bookstores Ltd, JVPD Scheme, Juhu

Submitted by ITV Production on May 23, 2013

MUMBAI :"Never say Never" tells the story of a girl who, like many twenty-five year olds is unsure of where her life is headed. Ultimately, "Never say Never" is a story of love, loss, hanging on, and surviving in spite of the odds. Anjali Kirpalani, the author says, "Never say Never is about a young woman finding herself. It is about her journey through that confusing stage in life when you are not really sure of what you want. In today‘s day and age, the youth grow up very quickly. Everyone is in a rush to make something of themselves and this rat race can put a lot of pressure on a young person. Because everyone starts working early, you end up burning out early too. I have personally felt lost too-I started writing the book at one of those points in my life when I, like the protagonist, Nikita, was unemployed and unsure of my course of action."

[Click and drag to move] What‘s most important, though, is to not lose your sense of humour, when faced with life‘s ups and downs. The novel is told in a tongue-and-cheek manner and is sure to make its readers laugh out loud. It is a relatable, slice of life novel that will make you want to never say never!

Anjali adds, "I have always believed in having a sense of humour, especially when things are going wrong in your life. And so the lead character, Nikita, takes life with a pinch of salt. She is witty and has a unique take on things. So in essence, Never say Never is a slice of life kind of a book that anyone from their teens to their thirties should be able to relate to. And for people older than thirty, it will take them back to that time of their confusing twenties- when life was uncertain but an adventure worth taking."
