Exset launches solutions for Indian cable industry

Exset launches solutions for Indian cable industry

MUMBAI: Netherland-based broadcast technology and solutions company Exset has launched ‘The India Page‘ initiative for the Indian cable industry with the aim to allow them to meet the challenges of digitisation.

"Keeping in view the digitisation of the cable television in this country, we have introduced a unique proposition for the cable operators which will enable them to meet the challenges of digitisation, and also result in positive impact on their revenue stream," said Exset Global head sales & chief marketing officer Rahul Nehra.

The Indian initiative announcement was made at the conference held for cable operators titled "Digitisation is Monetisation".

During the conference, Nehra introduced various models which could be adopted by the cable operators during the digitisation process across metro cities during the first phase of the cable digitisation.

Currently, the cable operators across India are depended on monthly subscription fee for their revenue, which will change once the process of digitisation starts in India.

"The revenue stream for the local cable operators will take place once they are able to offer more value added services to the end customers. Exset‘s solution will enable them to do so by connecting them to the flow of information," said Exset head of sales Asia Pacific Stephen Wong.

According to Wong, by providing value added services through TV via set top box, the market dynamics for the local cable operators will undergo a change.

"In the present scenario, a local cable operator does not have any share of revenue in the carriage and value added service (VAS). The revenue generated under these two headings is 100 per cent with the Multiple System Operator (MSO). However, after the introduction of Digital Monetisation Solutions (DMS), the revenue distribution will change considerable," added Wong.

With the digitisation of cable TV industry about to happen, it is expected that the end customers experience will upgrade from just video services to a regular flow of information and value added service.