Games2Win launches game in memory of Neil Armstrong

Games2Win launches game in memory of Neil Armstrong

MUMBAI: Games2Win, an online games company, has launched Apollo 11: Mission to the Moon, an interactive and engaging online game that recreates the historic mission of Neil Armstrong to the moon.

Armstrong, the first man to land on the moon in July 1969, died on 25 August 2012 at the age of 82 due to complications from blocked coronary arteries.

Games2Win has dedicated the game to the memory of Armstrong who piloted this historic journey.

The game play recreates the first manned mission to land on the moon and the four critical stages that made Apollo 11 a successful mission. First, the player must launch the Apollo 11 rocket; then orbit the spacecraft around the Earth while traveling towards the Moon; next, the player must land the lunar module on the moon‘s surface; and finally the player has re-enter Earth, ending the journey safely in the ocean.

Games2win CEO and co-founder Alok Kejriwal said, "Neil Armstrong inspired millions of people all over the world by fulfilling a global dream. Creating an online game in his honor allows the younger generation to interactively experience his heroic journey and appreciate the humongous challenges he faced way back in 1969. By playing the game, one can truly appreciate what Neil Armstrong achieved!”

Additionally embedded in the game, consumers can click on a link to receive a paper model rocket design of the Apollo 11 mission that can be downloaded, printed, cut and built into a real-life memento. High resolution images and a YouTube walk through the game are available on this page.