Feel the impact: Times Now sets new benchmark with the Jaya-Sonia story | 1 Indian Television Dot Com

Feel the impact: Times Now sets new benchmark with the Jaya-Sonia story


Feel the impact: Times Now sets new benchmark with the Jaya-Sonia story

In the world of news impact matters. For TIMES NOW impact has been a major differentiator since the day of its launch. And now with Sonia Gandhi resigning from parliament and as chairperson of the National Advisory Council, TIMES NOW has been successfully able to position itself as a channel of impact.

Sonia Gandhi's resignation is a direct and immediate follow up of the story that TIMES NOW broke on 6th March, the Jaya Bachchan controversy.

The 6th March story was about how the Election Commission had recommended Jaya Bachchan's removal from parliament from the Rajya Sabha for holding an "office of profit".

In the next two weeks, TIMES NOW was the only news channel that took the "office of profit" controversy with facts and documents. When Jaya Bachchan heard about TIMES NOW reporting on her imminent disqualification she had said : "I don't know how this news has been leaked to the media"

TIMES NOW took the story forward, being the only news channel that released details of letters written by Mrs Bachchan and Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh to the President. Once again, no other news channel managed to gain access to the documents and only scrambled to get political reactions to the TIMES NOW exclusive.

When asked about his letters to the President, Amar Singh said "You people have excellent sources. You are very powerful. I will keep my trap shut"

Once again on 17th March TIMES NOW set an unbeatable pace by reporting first that the President had accepted Jaya Bachchan's resignation. This report was aired a full six hours before Rashtrapati Bhavan sent out an official note on the matter, a first of sorts in terms of political reporting.

Sonia Gandhi's resignation is a direct fallout of the Jaya Bachchan controversy. So was Amar Singh's resignation from the Rajya Sabha. In a reflection of the growing impact of 24 hour television and setting a new standard for political journalism, the TIMES NOW coverage of the political events leading to Sonia's resignation has set a new benchmark.

Complimenting the reporter behind the story, Arnab Goswami Editor in Chief of TIMES NOW said " Our political economy editor Navika Kumar's coverage of the Jaya Bachchan controversy leading to Sonia Gandhi's resignation has been absolutely brilliant. Our newsdesk rose to the occasion and we stuck our neck out with unquestionable facts. We're sure those watching the news space will feel the impact of our news. And Feel The News with us"

Among other stories TIMES NOW has been first and exclusive with are the Shoaib Akhtar chucking controversy, the controversy over Election Commissioner Naveen Chawla, the Daya Nayak interview when Nayak was on the run and the Abu Salem tapes

Warm Regards,
Preeti Juneja
Genesis Public Relations Pvt Ltd
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