NEW DELHI: The Government today barred the media from covering the ongoing anti-terrorist operations in Gurdaspur in Punjab and said coverage will be restricted to periodic briefing by an officer designated by the appropriate government till such operation concludes.
The Information and Broadcasting Ministry made it clear that ‘no programme shall be carried in the cable service, which contains live coverage of any anti-terrorist operation by security forces.’
Coming shortly on the heels of the Home Ministry directive about media covering only official briefings, the I&B Ministry said it had notified the Cable Television Networks (Amendment) Rules 2015 in this regard.
The Ministry asked news and current affairs TV channels to stop carrying telecast of these operations without restricting themselves to periodic briefing by an officer designated by the appropriate Government, though the operations had not been concluded.
Such telecast is in clear violation of the Cable Television Networks (Amendment) Rules 201 5, and is therefore liable for action thereunder and so these channels have been advised to desist from further violation of the rules with immediate effect.