India Today Online is TVTN's wholly-owned subsidiary now


India Today Online is TVTN's wholly-owned subsidiary now

MUMBAI: India Today Online Private Limited (ITOPL) has now become a wholly-owned subsidiary of TV Today Network Ltd.

India Today Online, on 28 March 2017, issued and allotted 1,99,20,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each to Living Media India Limited (LMIL) which constitutes 21.01% of the paid-up share capital of ITOPL, against the loans and advances made by LMIL to ITOPL.

T.V. Today Network (TVTN) entered into an agreement to gift with LMIL on the same date, i.e. 28 March, 2017, under which the TVTN will acquire 1,99,20,000 equity shares of ITOPL of Rs. 10 each (representing 21.01 per cent of the paid-up share capital of ITOPL) from LMIL by way of gift upon completion of procedural requirements under the agreement to gift.

After the aforesaid acquisition, TVTN will hold 100 per cent of the issued and paid-up share capital of ITOPL.

In a separate earlier report, TV Today Network stated that it shall not undertake the agreement, entered into with Entertainment Network (India) Limited, to sell three Metro FM Radio stations, as was earlier approved by the board. TV Today had inked a deal to sell seven Oye FM radio stations to ENIL which operates Radio Mirchi. However, MIB did not approve sale of three stations and the matter went before the Delhi High Court. Such sale agreement was subject to the approval of the MIB or an order from the Delhi High Court allowing the sale of Metro Radio stations whichever is earlier.

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