India Today magazine featured as 'Cover of the Day'


India Today magazine featured as 'Cover of the Day'

MUMBAI: The society of publication designers, New York on selected India Today magazine’s latest issue cover 31 July 2017 on the China – Pakistan issue as ‘The Cover of the Day’. This puts the India Today magazine amongst the best in the world to be featured for brilliance in cover design.

The cover with the headline ‘China’s New Chick’ along with a caricature of the maps of China and Pakistan as a hen and a chick have already made the international media take note for an artistic take on an international development.

Over the last four decades, the India Today magazine covers have captured the defining moments in history with a lot of iconic covers that have become imprinted in public memory.

The trend continues in recent times too with a lot of covers going viral on social media or creating a storm across borders. The covers with Baba Ramdev and the Pakistan Army chief are the very recent examples.

On the magazine cover getting featured, India Today Group Group CEO Ashish Bagga said, "Getting featured in SPD, New York reflects on India Today’s commitment to set international standards in journalism. Pertinent issues and a powerful take on them is the hallmark of impactful reportage and insights. For India Today, we are happy that we have serviced the Thinking Indian well".