Soccer maintaining momentum among Asian telly viewers


Soccer maintaining momentum among Asian telly viewers


MUMBAI: In India cricket may rule the roost but in Asia and other continents television viewers are increasingly playing footsie.

Last year soccer attracted the largest number of viewers, confirming its status as the leading sport in Europe and South America. The sport also keeps on progressing with success in Asia since the 2002 World Cup

That is what Eurodata TV Worldwide shows thanks to the sport map created for the first time in the new edition of the report One Sport Year on Television in the World. It contains the latest analysis about sport programmes audience ratings in the world in 2003.

The Sport map points out the most present sport within the TOP 10 most watched sport programs in each country (at least 5 positions within the top 10).

The report further noted that at the same time local specialities keep their position. They include the bat and ball game in India, the Super Bowl in the US, ice hockey in Canada and Slovakia, baseball in Taiwan.

The report includes the latest trends for sport on television in terms of programming (pay TV included), all audience ratings details in more than 60 countries. It also dwells success and failures of last year.