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  • Arrest of Sun staff leaves Murdoch under pressure

    Submitted by ITV Production on Feb 13, 2012
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: After the arrest of several of its senior staff in a corruption case, Rupert Murdoch, owner of the Sun Tabloid, is under pressure but insiders may pose a threat similar to the public outrage that forced the closure of its sister paper, the weekly News of the World.

    Shutters of News of the World were closed down after allegations that it hacked the phone of a murdered schoolgirl prompted a public outcry last year. Resultantly, advertisers cancelled contracts and Prime Minister David Cameron set up an inquiry into media practices.

    Police have arrested nine current and former Sun staff in the last two weeks including the deputy editor and other senior employees as part of an investigation into the bribing of police and other public officials for information.

    The arrests came after News Corp passed information to police, angering employees, some of whom are already briefing against Murdoch.

    Incidentally, the News of the World scandal led to a chorus of condemnation from the public and politicians of all stripes.

    In a sharp contrast to the mood that prevailed at the height of the NoW scandal last summer, the British minister responsible for the media praised Murdoch for increasing British media plurality through his Sky satellite broadcasting network.

    Rupert Murdoch
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