Vynsley Fernandes becomes CEO NXT Digital | Indian Television Dot Com

Vynsley Fernandes becomes CEO NXTDigital


Vynsley Fernandes becomes CEO NXTDigital

Thanks to his stellar performance at the Hinduja-run Incable, he now is also CEO of NXTDigital.

Vynsley Fernandes

Vynsley Fernandes has been known as the CEO of Hinduja group-owned Indusind Media & Communications which runs cable TV MSO InCable TV, a position he took up in August 2018. As of last month, his role and designations have changed: he has been redesignated as CEO of the theheadend in the sky (HITS) venture NXTDigital and president of IndusInd Media.

Since joining, Vynsley or Vyns as he is known has managed to return the struggling NXTDigital businesses to profitability, thanks to better management at IMCL which he headed

On a consolidated basis, revenues grew at NXTDigital by 65 per cent over FY19, from Rs 704.62crore to Rs 1,162.10crore; operating EBIDTA rose significantly to Rs 218.01crore against a loss of Rs 72.61crore; its PAT is a healthy Rs 110.05 crore as against a loss of Rs 303.43 crore in FY19.

Thanks to the great showing, Vyns got elevated to CEO of NXTDigital with the additional responsibility of IMCL.

Vyns updated his designation on linkedin today.